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What Bandwidth Is Good For Opening Video Conference Meeting

Sep 04, 2018

What bandwidth is good for opening video conference meeting

What bandwidth is good for opening video conference meeting.jpg

How much bandwidth does video conference require? How to calculate, more and more enterprises use video conferencing, build video conferencing system, how much bandwidth is needed.


Video conferencing needs how much bandwidth, how to solve the client software bandwidth calculation method: bandwidth is divided into upstream and downstream, generally only one way upstream audio and video, is to upload the local, usually occupy 100-300K bandwidth, if there is still screen broadcasting needs to add the bandwidth occupied by screen broadcasting, generally 200-300k; Documents and download documents only occupy bandwidth when they are uploaded and downloaded.


Downlink bandwidth: the sum of the bandwidth of the received audio and video plus the bandwidth used for screen broadcast.


Server-side software bandwidth calculation: downlink: the maximum downlink bandwidth required by the MCU is N (attendance) * bandwidth per channel of audio and video (in fact, the bandwidth per channel is not equal) + bandwidth used for screen broadcasting; upstream: bandwidth used for screen broadcasting + the total bandwidth of all forwarded audio and video.


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