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How to remotely control the video conference camera?

Oct 20, 2017

How to remotely control the video conference camera?

The remote video meeting requires the remote control of the camera up and down and the zoom, so how to control?What do we need to do?



The remote video meeting requires the remote control of the camera up and down and the zoom, so how to control?What do we need to do?

At present, the video conference camera control is divided into two ways, namely through two protocols to control, is a kind of RS232, one is 485, this is the connection mode, and choose to deal it with the video conference.So let's talk a little more about how to do that.

First of all, the RS - 232c Control terminal, usually if the computer has a RS - 232c serial port Control interface, directly via a serial port line connection is ok, if not, then with 232 turn USB conversion connector, will Control signals into the USB is ok. SecondThe rs-485 control terminal, the general computer can't directly connect RS - 485 interface, also the same is to pass 485 interface to convert to USB signal, then directly connect to the computer. Aftercconnecting the line , we entered the video conferencing software yuntai set, to set up the video conference camera haeundae, first we need to select the camera support agreement, for example PECOL - D, PECOL - P, VISCA, these is currently the general control protocol, and then select the address code, baud rate, so that we can be used to control the original video conference camera up and down, left and right sides and zoom.

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